Thursday, December 1, 2011

Complaint Rephrasal

So here's my first recorded attempt at rephrasing a common complaint as a statement of thankfulness. My typical grumbling goes like this: It's disheartening to come home after teaching all day and feel like all I accomplish in the evenings is cooking supper, preparing meals for the following day, and tidying the kitchen. Here's what I want to say instead: I'm thankful that even after a day's teaching, I can still be home to prepare meals and keep our kitchen tidy. If I quickly rephrase the complaint in my mind, I expect that I will eventually be more prone to being thankful for what is rather than complaining about what isn't.


RuthKathleen said...

I saw your comment on the True Woman blog and I decided to visit your blog. I wanted to thank you my sweet sister in Christ for your encouraging attitude. It really spurs me on in the Lord.

Jenny said...

Thank you :)