Friday, May 22, 2009

Pressing on

I've obviously neglected our blog for a while now. And the longer I didn't update, the harder it was to be motivated to do so because of all I would have to squeeze into it in terms of what we've been up to. So, I decided to just continue from where we're at now because our journey over the past eight months would deserve much more than a few blogs could offer.

We recently sold our home in Ontario and moved back to northern New Brunswick, where we lived the first year we were married. I don't think either of us has been as excited about any of our moves or circumstances as we are about this. It's like a sigh of relief has come over us, like a bumpy part of the road has been travelled and conquered. And though we were wearied and maybe worse for the wear, refreshment is coming, and we are strengthened for the journey to come.