Tuesday, April 17, 2007

"People will always do the stupid thing"

This entry should really be credited to my old friend (who I haven't seen in years), Andrew Maves. Andrew, if you read this, you might not remeber telling me this but I remember it like yesterday. Andrew and I were in Saint John, NB working on some renovations (church work) and Andrew, who was obviously entertaining some memories, looked over to me and said, "JEFF, people will ALWAYS do the stupid thing." It sunk in and made sense to me because I, being a "people," had done many stupid things. Well, this week folks really made me appreciate that timless phrase, and without going into too much detail about the idiotic, juvenille, elementary, imature and stupid things people did to me last week and early this week, simply consider yourself warned! Mabye not today, mabye not tomorrow but mark my words! "People will always do the stupid thing!"

In case you don't get it, here are some pictures to help illustrate the stupedness in people!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.