Monday, May 14, 2007

A Gift for Mom

To celebrate Mother's Day, my Mom and I played a friendly game of tennis this afternoon. It was the first time in a number of years that we were in the same province for the occasion. When I was leading 3 games to 1, I casually yelled across the net as I was serving for her not to give the game to me, at which point she exclaimed, "I'm not!" and began her underdog journey, eventually tying it up at 6 games each. You can't really tell from our expressions below, after our game, who won or lost. But for the record (that nobody's keeping), I won! But really, I had nothing to lose anyhow. If she had won, I would have just admitted that it was a Mother’s Day gift. In any case, it's a blast to have my parents visiting this week. Mom to play tennis and shop with, Dad to wash the dishes and oragnize Scrabble games... C'est la vie!

Here are some pictures with my grandmother, parents and Jeff at our supper with my uncle, aunt and cousins today.

1 comment:

Stu Bobbi said...

Soo good to see your mom again, Jenny! We have been quite busy lately and family has been quite distant even though the miles are nothing compared to yours. Waiting on our oldest, Michael,to complete his RCMP training and Andre is waiting for his wife, Jessica, to return from England, and we are waiting for a second grandchild to be born in August. Michael won't be graduated until September so we are praying the baby is born on a weekend. Robert and Stephen are anxious to work at the Bible camp again and Stu and I are planning to build a new home this summer. All in God's hands right now. Keep up the scenic photos. It is as if we are travelling. Thanks, Bobbi