Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Back from Quebec and yonder

Jeff warned me early on that if we didn’t update our blog regularly, people would stop checking it. So after a month’s hiatus, I hope there remains a faithful few who still count us worthy of the mouse click and moments spent waiting for this page to load.

The first week of this month we spent at Camp Livingstone, near Montreal, where we worked 3 out of the past 4 summers. Jeff was the speaker for the chapel sessions and I was the “speaker’s wife”. Jeff did a great job, of course, and my noble position afforded me much time to catch up with old friends and enjoy the scenery. However, trying to squeeze into 6 days the fun campy activites that we usually spread over 7 weeks proved a challenge!

Some campers

Jeff talking to the teens in chapel

Enjoying 'mille feuilles' in the kitchen at night with Sam

Cool creature

Fun at the frog pond

Trisha at the waterfront

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I particularly enjoyed seeing your foot in that last picture!! I'm so glad you posted...I was about to give up on you!! :0)