Monday, June 11, 2007

Why the 401 Highway is Stupid

The 401 is the scar of southern Ontario. The following list refers specifically to the 150km or so that span from Oshawa to Kitchener, with the deepest wound (perhaps a clogged artery?) being through Toronto. Now I'm not saying I have a solution to the 401 injury, except to question why anyone would want to go to Toronto anyways. (OK, we're both exceptionally bitter about all the time and mental energy we waste in traffic.) So here's why the 401 is stupid:

1. There are too many lanes.
2. There are too many cars.
3. There are too many incompetent drivers.
4. There are too many accidents.
5. People drive too fast.
6. Driving on it causes tension between driver and passenger(s).
7. Verbal and non-verbal obscenities are often exchanged between vehicles.
8. It increases human stress levels enough to spoil a perfectly good road trip.

1 comment:

carly said...

that's pretty funny guys! you are pretty right about it all though! it's not my favorite road to be can definitely raise the stress levels and cause conflict with others in the car and the driver. that's funny. nice post.
