Friday, March 9, 2007

Western Adventures

While Jeff was speaking in Alberta and New Brunswick with CMI last month, I took a trip to BC to visit my folks (thanks to their Air Miles). Although initially disappointed to not be able to accompany Jeff, I had a delightful trip and Jeff now appreciates my homemaker skills even more.

So while in BC, I decided to face my fear of failure and of ending up in the ER, and I learned how to snowboard, thanks to my teacher-friend who has only gone a few times herself. The first and last time I tried snowboarding was in France about 9 years ago, and I fell and dislocated my shoulder before I even made it up the rope-tow. But with more than half my twenties now behind me, I figured it was time to suck it up and give it a try before I'm any older and feebler.

I also went ice skating, running and biking with my retired and extremely fit mother. I shopped and enjoyed coffee breaks and treats with my dad. I reminisced with my grandmother. Plus, I connected with over a dozen other friends. And since I hadn't been "home" for my birthday in 7 years, I was able to lay heavy the guilt and enjoy pancakes, spaghetti and triple-layer chocolate cake for the occasion, all homemade.

Although excited to be reunited with my loving husband, I was a little teary-eyed leaving beautiful BC for not-so-beautiful-but-learning-to-like-it Ontario. However, Jeff surpised me with 2 nights at a cabin in the country north of Waterloo when I returned. How enchanting and refreshing!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny! Wow, you seem to have had a lot of exciting events in the last month!! That's a good idea to build that kind of website, so we can know what you're beeing up to! That's fun! ;)
MiMi xxx

Stu Bobbi said...

Sorry we missed you while in BC. We actually travelled to the big city of Edmonton to move our oldest son out. He is off to be a policeman like dad and we have the pleasure of mom and baby with us awhile until they head to her mom and dads. It has been a learning experience for Rob and Stephen having their space invaded by a three year old. Plus two women in the kitchen. Chuckle chuckle.